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IACME Committees

IACME Committees

Executive Committee: Kelly Keyes (President), Dr. Jim Caruso, Gina Carver, David Kintz, Shane Sheets, Hayley Thompson, Bobbi Jo O'Neal

Board of Directors:  Bobbi Jo O'Neal (chair), Ken Aschheim, Jonathan Boyd, Dr. Jim Caruso, Kevin Cleghorn, Gina Carver, Kelly Keyes, David Kintz, Dr. Jonathan Lucas, Maggie Luck,  Alfarena McGinty, Dr. Clancy Nyamkure, Dr. Michelle Rippy, Melanie Rouse, Shane Sheets, Hayley Thompson, Erin Worrell, Jennifer Snippen

Finance: David Kintz (chair), Dr. Anastasia Holobinko, Kelly Keyes, Maggie Luck, Bobbi Jo O'Neal, Shane Sheets, Dr. Kenneth Aschheim, Dr. Jonathan Lucas

Nominating: Melanie Rouse (chair), Shane Sheets, and David Kintz

Accreditation: Tami Sedivy-Schroder (chair), Shane Sheet, Charles Bourn, Stacey Chepren, Darren Dake, Shelton England, Kelly Keyes, Laura Kneece, Dottie Owens, Kiersten Reif, , Dr. Jonathan Lucas, Bobbi Jo O'Neal

Advocacy: Kelly Keyes (chair), Deirdre Amaro, Jon Boyd, Stacey Chepren, Kim Gin, Dotti Owens, Dick Sine, Jennifer Snippen, Alfarena McGinty, Melanie Rouse, Nessa Vercillo, Lauren Silver

Ethics: Melanie Rouse (chair), Dr. Anastasia Holobinko, David Kintz, Shane Sheets

Strategic Planning: Shane Sheets (chair), Brian Pierce, Natalya Stadler, Darren Dake, Gina Carver, and Kevin Cleghorn

International: Dr. James Caruso (chair), Dr. Kenneth Aschheim, Dr. Clancy Nyamkure, Sharon Teller, Erin Worrell

Membership: Hayley Thompson (chair), Gina Carver, Darren Dake, Katharine Pope, Chris Hill, Christine Hawley

Bylaws: Bobbi Jo O'Neal (chair)

Communication: Shane Sheets (chair)

Small Jurisdiction: Gina Carver (chair)



840 South Rancho Drive
Suite 4-410
Las Vegas, NV 89106 

Phone: 702-706-5880



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